I wanted to share some pictures of my first destiny weaving circle on SAturday, 30.11, here locally in Saarbrücken, Germany. 9 women participated and 3 children. Although 13 women have signed up initially and three cancelled due to sickness, with the children we came to the sacred feminine number of 13 ;-))).
To open up the circle and get grounded I did a deep breath exercise and chanted three times WYRD, which is the void or the Womb of all existence like I call it in my forthcoming book "The Wyrding Way". After chanting WYRD, I started to pass on the red thread ball to each woman asking which intention she wanted to plant in the WYRD void. We did two circles and then every woman cut of the red thread piece to each woman on her left. This piece of red thread was symbolic of the unique red thread of each woman that she was invited to discover and to learn more about during the whole day seminar. The first half of the day, I thaught how to use the main 4 "clean questions" that I learned from my Soul based Coaching Training for each woman to gain more clarity about her own unique piece of the red thread. Then we had delicious brunch with many goodies that I invited each woman to bring with her. I prepared Russian veggie borscht. The second half of the day, we took our destiny threads into our hands by stitching unique Goddess/Bereginja symbols or doing a Slawic protection doll "Bereginja".
And the impulse was born to have a stitching project together that we may birth during upcoming months, bringing each woman into her power and weaving something like an evolutionary tapestry together. Similar to the quilt tapestry that I participated in as organised by the worldwide movement www.treesisters.org. See the project description here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/treesisters-well-of-creativity-wisdom/treesisters-quilt-idea-seeded-by-barbara-donohue-in-treesisters-well-of-creativi/629705114144847/
🌟🌟🌟 VISION: Why don't we start an online tapestry weaving project (just like the FB picture of my group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2336341340020759/ ) where we do regular online destiny weaving circles where we help each other to get clear on our unique destiny thread, our genius, and then start a creative project where everyone who knows their Soul expression takes that into their own hands and produces something in real life with own hands so it gets manifested in real life and doesn't stay an elusive gift. We could develop a website something like a "www.cocreationgrid.com, or www.cocreationpath.com". Just some ideas for a start. I reference the website www.thepowerpath.com a lot and like their various offerings. Maybe we can create something similar and once we start it becomes a co-creative project just like the original seed of this group . I am curious about YOUR ideas.🌟🌟🌟