E-Books / Guides
Roots and Wings within yourself!
This E-Book Wisdom Gem is about my favorite rituals such as telling fairy tales, ancestral healing, embroidery, and planting trees that help me to root myself and feel inspired like having wings.
I wish that these rituals will also enrich your everyday life in a rooted and inspiring way.
27 Beregini / Goddess Symbols Guide
My self-stitched 27 Beregini Symbols are included in my book "The Wyrding Way" in the back of the book. Their descriptions from German are based on the symbolcards as bought from Olga Bajrami & Irina Haag here:
The seven symbols as seen on the cover page have been given to me through a Soul Tree Horoscope Reading with the two Russian Ladies from “7 Women Wings”.
I have embroidered those in my destiny dress where the seven Beregini Powers are like my second skin literally weaving through me and I feel them strongly in my life. I have written about the power of those embroidered Beregini Powers in my dress in my book and also on my blogpage.
Holding Space for Transformation
This eBook offers an introduction on How to Hold Space for Transformation and the basics of Soul based Coaching: what it is, why it’s so powerful and what it asks of you.
If you would like to dive more deeply and are interested in the Skills & Tools needed to hold a strong space and how to Coach and communicate from the feminine Yin energy, then check out the full Version here :
Happy reading and check out the full Details about Soul based Coaching here:
Zu Wurzel und Flügeln in dir selbst!
Hier schreibe ich über meine Lieblingsrituale so wie Märchen erzählen, Ahnenheilung, Sticken, und Bäume pflanzen, die mir helfen mich zu verwurzeln und beflügelt zu fühlen.
Ich wünsche mir, dass diese Rituale auch deinen Alltag verwurzelt beflügelt bereichern.
Yoga…ganz natürlich! / Yogaübungen entnommen aus der Natur
Dieses e-book "Yoga...ganz natürlich" beschreibt 7 Yogaübungen nagelehnt an Tierhaltungen aus der Natur. Diese sind mit Zitaten versehen und Anleitungen für richtige Haltung. Diese Übungen machen vor allem Kindern viel Spaß;-)
In diesem E-Book "Meditation=blühen" beschreibe ich zwei tolle Meditationen wie du dein inneres Kind heilen und auch mehr Achtsamkeit in deinen Alltag bringen kannst. Regelmäßiges Üben hilft dir dabei!
Weaving The Web Of Light Meditation on 4.4.4
We did this meditation as part of my book release and birthday party on 4.4.4. Since my book is all about weaving of the new tapestry of humanity, I felt this meditation would be just right and also in midst of the corona virus pandemic, it provides healing light all over the world.
We centered ourselves in the Web of Wyrd, felt our Soul Seed inside which then opened up like a flower soaking up all the light from the outside and shining this light out into the world.
Here is more information about my book "The Wyrding Way: the mysterious art of weaving your own destiny":