Soul based Coaching:
In this sacred conversation, I speak with Founder of Academy for Soul based Coaching Annemiek Van Helsdingen about the magic of #SoulbasedCoaching and how holding space and embodied metaphors, in my case the turning of demons into diamonds with breast cancer, is so paramount in tapping into our own self healing powers:
"Soul-based Coaching helps me to bridge roots and wings. I finally found something that makes me feel and have the tools for what I wasn't able to touch and explain before. I only felt it in a metaphorical way.Like the metaphor about the roots and wings. It is like becoming really present with the metaphor, how it works through me. The embodiment of it. And with holding space and the right questions a metaphor evolves and I can start to practically work with those images." (Erika Maizi, Trainee of Soul based Coaching Academy)
More details in this interview about metaphor magic with the founder of Soul based Academy Annemiek van Helsdingen here :
What is Soul based Coaching?
This video offers answers to some of the questions we receive about Soul-based Coaching. We let our certified Soul-based Coaches give you a better idea of what it is, how it serves their clients, and why it's particularly relevant in these times we're living in:
Über Intentionen/About intentions:
Deepak Chopra:
"Intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love.”
DE Sticken ist für mich bewusst #Intentionen setzen, das heisst mich erstmal zentrieren und mich mit meiner Seele und Geist verbinden. Dann kommen die Botschaften in Form von Symbolen zu mir, die ich dann sticke und hiermit manifestieren sich die Intentionen im Hier und Jetzt, Stich für Stich, wie ein,- und ausatmen. Es ist wie ein heiliger und magischer Akt, ähnlich wie #Samen setzen, die dann aufgehen: so ähnlich gehen dann auch die Intentionen in Wirklichkeit auf. Dafür ist es notwendig mit der eigenen Seele in Verbindung zu gehen, um diese Botschaften zu erhalten. Das ist für mich synonym mit "den Faden halten". Genau das geht im Soul based Coaching, da kann ich dir durch bestimmte 'saubere Fragen' helfen mit deiner eigenen Seele zu kommunizieren und deine eigenen Botschaften und Antworten zu erhalten. Hier kannst du mein Video darüber anschauen (auf Englisch, weil ich die Ausbildung zum Soul based Coach auch in Englisch gemacht habe und so als Weltenbürgerin und Brückenabuerin zum bewussten SEIN international agieren kann).
EN Embroidering to me is a process of setting #intentions through centering and becoming conscious and in contact with my #soul and #spirit.When I am in this centre, I receive messages from 'above' in terms of symbols, which then manifest themselves stitch by stitch, in the here and now, like in,- and outbreath. It is like a holy magical process, similar to planting #seeds which then open up:similarly intentions open up when they realise themselves in reality. Herefore, it is necessary to communicate with the own Soul. This is for me the same like 'holding the thread'. This is possible in #SoulbasedCoaching where I would ask you certain 'clean questions' through which you will be able to get in touch with our own soul's wisdom and receive your own messages.
Soul based Coaching & Metaphor MAgic
Soul based Coaching & Holding space (free ebook)
This eBook offers an introduction on How to Hold Space for Transformation and the basics of Soul based Coaching: what it is, why it’s so powerful and what it asks of you.
If you would like to dive more deeply and are interested in the Skills & Tools needed to hold a strong space and how to Coach and communicate from the feminine Yin energy, then check out the full Version here :
Happy reading and check out the full Details about Soul based Coaching HERE
If you are interested to find out more, you can contact me for a free complimentary call here or check out my services and pricing here: