I was diagnosed with metastasized breast cancer in far advanced stadium on 22. December 2020. Now one year later, after 16 chemotherapy treatments and two operations, I have died and resurrected so many times that I like to tell my story of artchemy of how I learned to love my demons into diamonds.
As Rumi, a Sufi poet, says: "The wound is where the Light enters you."
We need courage and grace to dive into the most deeply hidden places of ourselves, because that is where the key to healing can be found. That is where we turn our demons into diamonds. Illness and other highly challenging life experiences are a fact of life. Whether it is a personal health crisis or a sick loved one, none of us can escape this life without encountering some form of life-threatening illness and eventually, death. A diagnosis such as cancer or coronavirus can break us open and bring us face-to-face with the truth buried in our bones like I am currently experiencing with my own metastasized breast cancer in advanced stadium.
This threat to life is an opportunity to know the soul and becoming who we are meant to be from the inside out by learning to love our demons\shadow parts.It is a descent into the underworld and back fully alive, hopeful and joyful, finding our hidden treasure of a diamond inside our unconditional loving hearts and divine grace.
I made a presentation where I show how Shamanic and Buddhist Practices together with Visionary Arts support me on my own re-weaving into wholeness. Without any guarantee of success but lots of breakdown to breakthroughs and unconditional love of my most hidden shadow parts:
"I weave artchemy (Art& alchemy) pieces that I am creating as I go into the underworld and instead of fighting the cancer cells, I embrace them, mother them and listen to what they are revealing.
I'm sitting here in awe, imagining if we as a human collective did this with COVID-19?
What would it reveal about the places in us that we have abandoned or rejected?
I believe that my journey is a map that you can use to travel through whatever pain or problem you are facing and awaken the wisdom in that wound."
Please read my first 30 pages from my book to get a first impression, or purchase the book via Amazon. I will translate it into German, too. (in its own divine timing)
Are you interested to proofread it in exchange for a review? Do you know of someone who would be interested to spread it widely?
I published my recent book “The Wyrding Way. the mysterious art of weaving your own destiny” on my birthday of 4.4.2020 completely by myself.
Since the book “Grit and Grace” by Ken Wilber documenting the personal journey with breast cancer of his deceased wife Treya Wilber was so inspirational to me, I would love to spread this book more widely this time around!.