Here is a 5 Step Prayer Practice that I learned from Daily Om’s Online Course of ‘21 Days of Prayer’. I found those five steps most useful and practice those every day first thing in the morning and before I go to sleep.
1) HELP ( Hello Evolving Loving Presence): Being Held by Great Love/ God/ Goddess/ Source
2) Letting Go
3) Forgiveness
4) Opening
5) Gratitude
Being Held
First thing in the morning when I am lying on my side like a baby, I say out aloud HELP a few times that is short for ‘Hello Evolving loving Presence’.
By contemplating being held, we are opening to LOVE (God, Universe, Source). We are practicing receptivity.
Here is a simple prayer you may recite aloud or contemplate silently:
Allowing my Life to be held by a Love that is greater than my own thinking, I open to this LOVE now.
Letting go
Continuation from being held by love exercise is LETTING GO:
"A person at peace is a world at peace. As you begin to accept a deep peace within, you are shining your light in the world ever more fully.
Embracing the perspective that you are “held by a Love greater than your thinking” is a game changer. This shift alone places you in the path of miracles — including miracles you might have never before seen.
Our lesson for this session is LETTING GO. When we’re held by a love greater than our own thinking, it only makes sense to begin to relax and let go into this love.
Letting go sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Just let go ... and yet we find ourselves holding on to familiar ways of being and suffering that no longer truly serve us. Holding on can be a habitual and unconscious way of trying to maintain control.
Letting go enables us to touch the essential stillness of our soul — out of which something new can emerge."
I know the feeling of holding on to my health, wealth, security, fitness, relationships etc...However, my current terminal cancer relapse experience teaches me to let go of everything and to become a no body, an empty shell, a hole of the needle where I become a vessel (Lamb of God) for the Creator and his will.I trust and surrender and let in divine grace in every cell of my body. After 45 years on this earth, I got to love my body, fragmented parts, emotions, myself so much....And still I feel I can only surrender and let love and God do its thing now. While I continue to enjoy the moment and the breath in which God breathes me each moment.
“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
Since we all make mistakes of one sort or another every day, the attitude of forgiveness serves us well and is a cornerstone of any effective prayer practice. The question becomes: Are you FOR giving love or AGAINST giving love?
Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness:
Prayers that have been prayed for thousands of years have special power. Pray this prayer from your heart and it will open you to the miraculous power of forgiveness.
"If I have harmed anyone in any way,
either knowingly or unknowingly
through my own confusions,
I ask their forgiveness.
If anyone has harmed me in any way,
either knowingly or unknowingly
through their own confusions,
I forgive them.
And if there is a situation
I am not yet ready to forgive,
I forgive myself for that.
For all the ways that I harm myself,
negate, doubt, belittle myself,
judge or be unkind to myself,
through my own confusions,
I forgive myself. Amen."
After we practiced being held by a love greater than our own thinking, letting go of all blockages to let in this great love and forgiveness, we now come to OPENING:
Let us open our hearts and minds to a space beyond what our limited perceptions and experiences have led us to believe is possible.
Now it is time to venture deeper into the mystical inner workings of prayer ... and OPEN.
Poet Emily Dickinson suggests we “dwell in possibility.” Prayer offers us a way to do just that. When we pray, we are available to the miracles that unfold by opening to the Infinite, within and around us.
We can define the word OPEN by using an acronym:
O for Oneness – the fact or state of being unified and whole
P for Possibility – able to be done
E for Eternal – infinite, boundless, timeless
N for Newness – not existing before; discovered now, for the first time
I AM open for the possibilty of miraclous healing.Now.Amen
After practicing being held, letting go, forgiveness and opening, we continue with gratitude. While we often and easily say “thank you,” do we truly experience heartfelt gratitude?
Here is a general prayer of gratitude:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Amen.
I can also recommend the Ho'oponopono Prayer for releasing of any blockages or difficult feelings, forgiveness and gratitude.
In Daily Om's 21 Days of Prayer it is written as follows:
'Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian prayer practice that clears energy. Like all prayer methods it is profoundly simple, yet at the same time, it holds very deep wisdom.
Ho’oponopono clears the energy of the past so that we can experience the wholeness of now and the love that is everywhere, all the time. This practice encourages us to take 100 percent responsibility for our perception of suffering and helps clear negative emotions, especially anger, blame, and grief.
The four simple lines of this ancient prayer are:
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
️ “I’m sorry.” When we say “I’m sorry,” we are sorry for not recognizing the LOVE that is everywhere. We are saying we’re sorry for participating in the perception of suffering. We are sorry for only noticing the clouds; not noticing the radiance of the sun and forgetting that all is well.
“Please forgive me” allows the power of forgiveness to clear the energy of the disturbance.
“Thank you” acknowledges the instantaneous forgiveness of the universe.
️ “I love you.” This statement aligns you with the LOVE that you are and the LOVE that is everywhere.
To practice, think of an area where you would like to have the energy cleared. Anytime you are feeling worried or disturbed about anything, or anytime you are concerned about something for someone else, you can practice ho’oponopono."