How to deal with the unknown- the Wyrding Way

At the moment, the whole world is in the grip of the corona virus and it becomes apparent how helpless, overwhelmed with different conflicting information, resources and lack of knowledge of how to deal with such a global pandemic throws the whole world into the unknown.

I have to think about the scene “The next right thing” from the movie “Frozen II” when feeling into the unknown. In the movie, Anna is in a dark cave in this scene, totally desperate, sad and alone, wanting to give up. But then she starts to feel the inner impulse to just focus on the next right step, following her inner guidance, her inner star. Not knowing the whole destination but taking one right step after another. Here is the beautiful and wise text from this song:

I've seen dark before

But not like this

This is cold

This is empty

This is numb

The life I knew is over

The lights are out

Hello, darkness

I'm ready to succumb

I follow you around

I always have

But you've gone to a place I cannot find

This grief has a gravity

It pulls me down

But a tiny voice whispers in my mind

You are lost, hope is gone

But you must go on

And do the next right thing

Can there be a day beyond this night?

I don't know anymore what is true

I can't find my direction, I'm all alone

The only star that guided me was you

How to rise from the floor

When it's not you I'm rising for?

Just do the next right thing

Take a step, step again

It is all that I can to do

The next right thing

I won't look too far ahead

It's too much for me to take

But break it down to this next breath

This next step

This next choice is one that I can make

So I'll walk through this night

Stumbling blindly toward the light

And do the next right thing

And with the dawn, what comes then?

When it's clear that everything will never be the same again

Then I'll make the choice

To hear that voice

And do the next right thing

Similarly, my forthcoming book “The Wyrding Way: the mysterious art of weaving your own destiny” describes how we can center ourselves within the dark web of life, the void, the cave, the Womb of Creation, called WYRD in Norse language or the Ginnungagap, the dark primordial Womb of all existence. We can place and surrender ourselves into the WYRD Space and set our intentions there, so that new possibilities can be birthed from this unknown place. The difference is of whether we are afraid of the unknown or consciously center ourselves and surrender to it.

WYRD is also the rune of nothingness while also meaning “weaving the ever unfolding present” as translated from Norse language by the Shaman Thunderwizard, see here:

My book describes how I started to embroider Slavic and Kasakh style sacred textiles, like a destiny towel called “Rushnyk” or my destiny dress with 7 Beregini / Goddess energies expressing and weaving through me. At the same time I continued to learn more and more about sacred symbols and runes and their particular meanings and divine energies. While I started to dive deeper into the arts of sacred embroidery through the knowledge of certain symbols, the three Norns of the past (Urd), present (Verdanti) and future (Skuld) started to appear and weave through me. It is like I became a channel for the wisdom of weaving all threads and timelines of all physical matter. The three Norns sit by the roots of the Wold Tree “Yggdrasil” next to the well of endless wisdom, the Urdbrunnen. They water Yggdrasil everyday and also carve the runes from the sacred tree and weave the threads from the past, present and future. The well Urdbrunnen is like the source of endless possibilities, the Wyrd, as well. When we source our wisdom from there, we become powerful and wise about the mysterious art of weaving our destiny out of the unknown receiving endless blessings like a stream of free flowing water.

All we need to do is centering ourselves at the root of the unknown and set our intentions and take the next step from there. Then we are aligned and can birth the new, step by step, doing the right step. Just like in this scene:

We get all born in the dark Womb like a seed also gets planted in the dark soil. We all go through this natural cycle of being grounded and planted as a seed / setting down roots / leaving the soil of comfort zone / facing and overcoming adversity / blooming / spreading the seeds. Those are also the chapters of my forthcoming book and my daily posts in my co-creative destiny weaving community on Facebook:

I have established 7 steps as part of this natural cycle of co-creative destiny weaving with Soul and Source in my book which I call the Wyrding Way:

1) Root yourself at the bottom of the tree and rest in the present moment

(see Huul Breath Meditation and Wyrding Emptiness Meditation for

intention setting)

2) Tap into the field of all potentiality which is the Web of Wyrd or

Womb of all Creation

3) Set your intentions from the space of emptiness, or connect with your

ancestors, heal old karmic patterns, travel in time, heal wounds, connect

with your Soul etc.

4) The World Tree Yggdrasil represents the nine dimensions of all

existence. When we connect with the Web of Wyrd, we are in the

Womb, the center of the World Tree (Ginnuangagap) where we can

create all reality

5) When our intentions are aligned with Wyrd, the center of the World

Tree (which is also the medicine wheel), then we can change time and


6) Asking questions to the universe aligned with our Soul’s Purpose (see

Soul based Coaching / Visioning / Synchrodestiny)

7) When limiting beliefs or fears arise, they need to be worked on,

otherwise the answers from above cannot flow (for example Ho’oopono,

Ancestral Healing Meditation, 3-2-1 Shadow Process, Kiss- Feel- Flow


If you like to find out more about how to consciously weave your own destiny just like the three Norns and consciously shape your direction in life by taking the right next step, then you can find out more in my forthcoming book to be released on my birthday of 4.4.4. (2020):

We don’t need to know the whole “how” of the unknown times of corona virus, our wishes or desires in lives, but we can pick up our destiny threads and take our destiny into our own hands instead of being pulled by others or outside circumstances in all different directions. Just focusing and surrendering to the next right step- the Wyrding way- again and again. This is the mysterious art of weaving your own destiny revealed. Cause we all came here for a purpose. To evolve humanity. One destiny thread at a time.