What is my mission and why I write the book "The Wyrding Way -the mysterious art of weaving your own destiny"

Where do I come from and where I am weaving towards…the Wyrding Way

I come from... (poem by Erika Maizi)

I come from the mountains in Almaty,

from a country in the Asian Far East called Kasakhstan.

A strong root remains there.

I come from my mother Natasha,

herself carrying Ukrainian roots.

I will be forever grateful for her creativity,

that I am now carrying forth.

I come from nature and the trees,

connected to the Worldtree „Yggdrasil“,

weaving destiny, just like the three Norns

by the root of the Worldtree.

I come from a father with German roots.

Having settled in Germany, but travelling to Kasakhstan

and all around the world by heart.

I come from the stars,

and travel there as often as I can

esp. by night, others call that lucid dreaming.

I come from all my ancestors coming before me and after me.

I feel connected with the past, present and future.

I weave all timelines, which come together and through me

into the evolutionary tapestry called life.

I come from WYRD, and I return to WYRD from the very present moment.

The only location that I can be sure of: of coming and becoming.

Each and every moment.

NOW. The only thing that exists.

Blagadaru. With Gods blessings.

So many years ago a girl called Erika was born and raised in Kasakhstan…click on this video to watch her disconnection and picking up of unique destiny thread here:

I heard the Call of my Soul and picked up my unique destiny thread almost 3 years ago after I read the book "Entering the Circle" by Olga Karidithi.

In that book an elder Siberian Shaman, Umaj, heals a woman and ever since I hear this voice louder and clearer in my life. It called me to return and connect with my roots in Siberia, Kasakshtan and Mongolia (see video above), learning to embroider a destiny towel with Siberian and Mongolian elders and the three Norns (Urd, Verdanti and Skuld) started to weave through me. I picked up the thread of my lineage and am consciously weaving this ancestral thread into the new evolutionary tapestry of life.

I wrote the book 'The mysterious art of weaving destiny' in order to remember and reconnect with my own unique life and ancestral thread, receive the wisdom from my ancestors by getting to the root of my Soul and the root of the lifetree Yggdrasil. Just like the three Norns Urd, Verdanti and Skuld, who sit by the root of the life's tree and weave the destiny of all living beings. My book and my sacred embroidery together with Soul based Coaching will show you the mysterious art of how YOU can pick up your own unique life's thread and start to consciously weave your Soul thread in the wide tapestry called life. Which I call “The Wyrding Way”.

Wyrd comes from Norse Language and means “weaving“ and there is also a rune of WYRD which is basically nothing. By centering ourselves in the web of WYRD, the Womb of all existence, the void of nothingness and at the same time all possibilities, I will show you how we can all become conscious destiny weavers of our reality. I call that the Wyrding Way like the title of my forthcoming book which I am aiming to publish as my birthday present on 4. 4. 2020.


So my mission and Vision are : Consciously and co-creatively weaving a new humanity tapestry or blanket. Because you and me came here for a purpose. To evolve humanity. Each destiny thread at a time.

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My sacred embroidery practice has been paramount to me in connecting with the void, the web of Wyrd, and also the three Norns of fate in Norse mythology, Urd (past), Verdanti (present) and Skuld (future).

With my forthcoming book my main objective is to help you center yourself in this space of nothingness and place your intentions there for them to manifest in reality and become the co-creator of your own destiny, My embroidery practice takes place from WYRD and becomes sacred through the connection with the ever unfolding present- the Wyrding Way. Like in my vision board for the book (see main image of this blog article), you place yourself as the white dot in the centre of the Web of Wyrd, or like the centre in the worldtree “Yggdrasil” and start planting your intentions from this Wyrding place.

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My mission and destiny thread unfolding is thus in other words:

For remembrance, reconnection, receiving and passing on of feminine ancestral wisdom. This book will show you the mysterious art of weaving your own thread of destiny. It will weave you into wholeness (again). If you ever felt like being pulled in all different directions by others and their expectations, instead of holding and consciously weaving your own destiny from within your center, your essence, then this book will bring you inside this center of your own BEING. We all have a sacred destiny thread, our unique Soul Purpose we came here to fulfill and to fully self-actualise. But we often get distracted, forget or simply loose touch with this sacred thread inside. Like those words by Michael Meade read: "....to pick up the invisible thread of our own story and follow where it leads". This book will support you in picking up of your own unique “invisible thread“, so that you can come back to wholeness of your own essence that you already are. From this wholeness you can become and co-create your own destiny from the inside out in the most conscious way- the Wyrding Way.
